Deep Paint EN


Deep Paint is the addon plugin for Blender 3D
It is user friendly tool to create 3D stylized illustrations.
Grab from here!

Please report any bugs from DP Report

End User License Agreement


Please go to your library and access the DP product page if you purchased from Gumroad to update versions

If you see some issues such as missing shortcuts or brush, most of time factory reset from preference will fix FYI


Deep Paint v1.2.7

Lots of fixes


Deep Paint v1.2.1

Support for Blender 4.3


Deep Paint v1.2.0

Some bug fixes, Noise Mix


Deep Paint v1.1.2

Some bug fixes


Deep Paint v1.1.1

Minor bug fix and “E” and “Z” pie menu change


Deep Paint v1.1.0

Compatible version for Blender 4.2
Now “Z” key instead of “Ctrl+W” for utility pie


Deep Paint v1.0.9

“D” for stroke position pie menu when GP draw mode.

Added GP to screw mesh in Z axis

Layout change


Deep Paint v1.0.8

“Ctrl + D” “Ctrl + W” for pie menu now
We have GP 2 Solid Mesh and Round Mesh


Deep Paint v1.0.7

“Ctrl + D” DP tool pie menu updates and some minor fix


Please install the addon file without extracting the zip file.
If you see “DEEP” in N panel by hitting “n”, you are good to go.
(Please restart Blender if there’s any issues)


Please have check for the basic Lighting setup for Deep Paint
Making a Tree with Grease Pencil with Deep Paint
Lantern creation with Grease Pencil and Deep Paint


There’s shortcut for some DP command

  • Custom Grease Pencil window “s”
  • DP modifier “ctrl + D”
  • GP to Mesh “E”

You can change mapping from Addon Preference if you need

 Custom Grease Pencil

with key “S” to bring up GP popup window

You can import custom brushes from here

DP Report

Please describe your report about Deep Paint Blender Addon
If you see some issues such as missing shortcuts or brush, most of time factory reset from preference will fix FYI

    GP to Mesh

     Add Blank

    Bring up pie menu for “GP to Mesh” with shortcut key E in object mode. (If “E” doesn’t work please go to and then change it to other key)
    Add new Grease Pencil Object from “Add Blank”

     GP to Line Mesh

    Convert GP object to mesh from “GP to Line Mesh” in pie menu

     GP to Fill Mesh

    Converts GP object to fill mesh from “GP to Fill Mesh” in pie menu

     GP to Mesh Line

    Converts GP object to mesh line from “GP to Mesh Line” in pie menu

     GP to Curve Mesh

    Converts GP object to curve with mesh from “GP to Curve Mesh” in pie menu

     GP to Curve

    Converts GP object to curve from “GP to Curve” in pie menu

     GP to Line & Fill

    Converts GP object to line and fill mesh from “GP to Line & Fill” in pie menu

     GP to Mesh menu

    Brings up this pop window to tweak more details

    • Depth
    • Resolution 
    • Decimate  

    Default is set to Low Res but you can change it to Mid Res.
    then you can reset from Reset button.

    <Deep Paint>Main Menu

     Apply All Transform

    Applies All Transform to moved object

    • Position
    • Rotation
    • Scale

    will reset.

     Visual Geometry to Mesh

    Applies Visual Geometry to Mesh.(no more modifier)


    Joins the object to one mesh to last selected object.

     Separate by Loose Parts

    Separates joined objects to each.

     Link Active Material to Selected

    Links material to last selected object’s material.

     Copy Modifiers to Selected

    Copies all modifier to last selected object.

     Center Origin

    Applies to origin to center of selected object/edge/vertex/face


    Randomize the selected objects by information box on left bottom

     Proportional Edit

    Proportional editing the shapes

     Transform Pivot Point

    How to transform the objects with these options

     Proportional Editing

    Can change the curves for proportional editing


    Displays wireframe in object mode. you can also change the opacity from the slider

     Show Wireframe

    Displays only for selected object

     Show Face

    Shows the face normal orientation.


    Flips the normal for selected object

     Split Normals Data

    adds the custom normal


    Applies DPM (Deep Paint Material)

    You can duplicate and change name, also with “x” button to delete material


    Applies outline (Modifier and Material)

    You can change the thickness and noise strength and noise size from here

    this one applies noise only for outline and “x” button to delete outline

    If you want to change the color of outline, please go to material and change it here

     Vertex Paint

    Changes to Vertex Paint mode to paint vertex color, which plugged to DPM.
    With Shift and scrub, you can blur the Vertex color. Ctrl to paint secondary color.
    with brush icon to fill the color.

     Vertex Color Preset

    Fill vertex color to Black and White.


    Brings up color wheel

     Set Vertex Color

    Fills the selected color to object with the selected color

     Color Attribute Toggle

    Brings up the color palette

    Brings up the color chart,

    and with plus button to add another vertex color,

    if you hit “Add Node” you can bring the selected vertex node to your material

    with RMB you get same pop up window

     Palette Browser

    you can save color into your color palette

    + to add color


     Texture Paint

    Changes Texture Paint mode

     Add Tex

    With plus button to create texture map and paint. It will add DPMtex material if you have no material assigned but it will add node only if you already assigned material.

    Shift + LMB to blur and Shift+Ctrl+LMB to smudge


    Saves texture you painted.

     Texture Attribute Toggle

    Brings texture color wheel and brings slot to add more texture with plus button.

     Smart UV

    If you have no UV, you can add automatic smart UV

     Project View

    You can add UV in projection view from camera


    Applies the air bush and paint. You have same icon in RMB popup window to select brushes.


    Applies speckles brush to paint.


    Applies edge brush to paint.


    Applies strake brush to paint.


    Applies pastel brush to paint.


    Applies trake brush to paint.


    Applies rake brush to paint.


    Applies watercolor brush to paint.


    Applies sharp brush to paint.



    Applies the modifier without history in modifier section.

    Subdivide the mesh without deforming object, but with round subdivide will average the face. You can change the number as well.


    Decimates the mesh.


    Adds the mesh in quad (xyz) direction.


    Applies triangle mesh to object


    Remesh the object, you can change the size with the number.


    Applies solidify.


    Applies displacement to mesh.

    Left value is for strength, right for the amplitude


    applies smooth modifier


    Applies wireframe modifier


    Screws the geo, only for Z axis



    Applies DPM2,
    with DPM2, you can add more lights and effects color to surface

     Leaf Outline

    Applies the outline to single mesh edge such as leaf.
    Left value is for “thickness”, middle for “noise strength”, right for “noise amplitude”

     Noise Mix

    Brings in Noise Texture mix node into your material, you can add another vertex color as a mask to paint noise too.

     Gradient World

    Brings in world space gradient to material to have more detailed fog to your object

     Edge Alpha

    Brings in alpha to edge to the object


    Duplicate material with renaming

     Clear Material

    Clears material for the selected objects

     Shadow Only

    Applies shadow matte material to selected object. (only renders the shadow)


     Sky Paint

    Brings in sky paint object(vertex mix). By default it is locked so that you don’t accidentally select sky while working. you can unlock from the button.

     Render Cam

    Brings in Camera Rig

    “DP-RenderCam.MCH” —turn this visibility ON
    ”DP-RenderCamPath.CRV” — adjust path position
    ”DP-RenderCamLookAt.NUL”– adjust look at position

    You can attach camera to the path with this chain icon

    “Speed” is the frame length and “Rotation” is for the camera path distance. In this case it is 80 frames, so if you render 160, it will loop like this.

    Camera Path

    You can create your own path curve and attach like this

     Tree Gen

    This is Geometry Node base instance geo scatter tool.
    You can scatter plants and trees.

    Scatter instance from TreeGEN.
    You can change density and size with min&max, randomize the rotation. Also you can scatter collection objects too.

    Density tweak with vertex group

    You can create vertex group by weight paint tool to control.

    Normal direction scatter

    You can slide normal value to align the rotation based on ground normal direction


    Also you can control size with another vertex point group

    Duplicate instance copy

    With this Plus button, you can duplicate tree GEN object to replace new instance copy


    You can apply ambient motion to instance

    Mesh Apply

    You can apply mesh to instance with “Mesh Apply” button

     Vine Gen

    Same way as Tree GEN, you can also create instance to curve


    You can copy in z Axis with this Spin button


    You can generate braid object from curve

     Add World

    With Add World button you can make the world color. Default is white value 1.
    You can add ambient light with World Light button.
    with Volume button to add volume fog.

    Turn the ambient occlusion on.
    Add contrast and Exposure.


    Change curve to add grading to render


    There’s 3 presets, “1920×1080”, “1080×1920”, “1500×1500” for render resolution, it forces to MOV file format.